Life 120

Aminoday Extreme - 120 Tabletten

€50,00 €47,10 Sale
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7 reviews

Brand : vida 120

Characteristics :

  • Increases resistance to fatigue. Useful for delaying the onset of physical fatigue, delaying muscle failure, even under conditions of high and intense physical stress. It is suitable both for improving endurance in endurance sports and for meeting the increased demand for excessive force in strength sports.
  • Greater strength and energy. It facilitates the assimilation of amino acids and creatine, favoring the synthesis of proteins and ATP, which leads to muscle growth. Increased production of nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator, leads to increased blood and nutrient flow to the muscles, with an added anabolic effect. Favors anabolic hormones, including testosterone and GH, to the detriment of catabolic hormones, including cortisol.
  • Reduces recovery time. Promotes the regeneration of fibers damaged by intense physical effort with protection of lean mass against psychophysical stress. It allows the neutralization of lactic acid accumulated during training and the elimination of ammonia (a potentially harmful compound that is produced in greater quantities during intense muscular work) that would cause fatigue, make muscle contraction difficult and cause a loss of strength.
  • Lesion reduction Reduces the inflammatory state induced by high workloads. It favors the reduction of fatigue and pain by accelerating joint and muscle recovery. Allows you to increase the intensity of training. Stimulates the synthesis of elastin and collagen, thus protecting bone and joint structures.

Item code : Extreme120

EAN: 8058480590346

package dimensions : 5,1 x 3,1 x 3,1 inches

Product information

Amino acids are naturally present in proteins and contribute to the development and recovery of muscle mass. Each individual amino acid provides valuable support to the body during training and each daily dose contains

860 mg of cysteine:
is a precursor to the synthesis of glutathione, the most powerful antioxidant in the human body, which increases exercise tolerance by minimizing oxidative damage induced by free radicals produced during training. It is also a key constituent of the hair structure (where it repairs structural damage by slowing down hair loss).
803 mg de citrulline :
is involved in the production of nitric oxide, a gas important for muscle growth because it causes an increase in the caliber of the vessels (vasodilation), thus allowing more blood (and therefore oxygen and nutrients) to flow to the muscular. It also exerts a buffering effect on lactic acid, thus counteracting muscle fatigue. It also promotes recovery.
573mg glutamine:
Promotes the entry of water, amino acids and other substances into muscle cells, thus promoting increased volume and hypertrophy. It also promotes the release of GH (growth hormone), protein synthesis and inhibits catabolism (loss of muscle).
573mg of lysine:
is a precursor of carnitine, creates a favorable situation for an increased production of GH with a significant improvement in strength and sports performance. Thanks to its immune support activity, it helps to prevent the overtraining syndrome that affects many athletes subjected to particularly intense training regimens. It also plays an important role in collagen synthesis and bone mineralization by contributing to the fixation of calcium and thus limiting the loss of bone matrix.
516mg Arginine:
promotes the production of nitric oxide, improves vascularization by increasing the supply of oxygen to the muscles and the brain (increased physical and mental reactivity). Positive effects are observed on athletic performance and also on recovery after very intensive training. It increases the energy boost and optimizes the hormonal response to the stresses of training, thus promoting the increase in muscle mass. Arginine supplementation contributes to increased GH secretion, and this activity is more noticeable in elderly, sarcopenic and defecated subjects.
401mg of Glycine:
promotes the function of mitochondria and fibroblasts by preserving the synthesis of collagen and elastin. It protects the cells of the nervous system while improving the quality of sleep (essential to allow tissue repair after physical exertion and increase muscle tone). Glycine proves to be an adjuvant in the treatment of obesity, increases serotonin levels in the brain and reduces muscle contractions during sleep.
401 mg of L-Methionine:
being a precursor and activator of keratin synthesis, has a stimulating effect on hair length, diameter and density, thus counteracting hair loss. It participates in the synthesis of carnitine and melatonin. Contributes to the synthesis of creatine used in the muscles to replenish ATP (energy) stores during the first seconds of muscle contraction.
401 mg of taurine:
Has an anti-fatigue action, contributing significantly to the increase in energy. Protects against oxidative damage from excessive exercise, counteracting post-exercise muscle inflammation. Taurine regulates muscle contraction by increasing the availability of calcium in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. It also promotes the entry of glucose and amino acids into cells, thereby stimulating energy and protein synthesis.
287 mg of alpha lipoic acid:
is defined as an element of insulin-like action in that it mimics the action of insulin through its ability to rapidly transfer amino acids and creatine into muscle cells, thereby enhancing muscle anabolism (growth). Very suitable as a pre-workout. It also helps control blood sugar and increases glucose absorption. It has an antioxidant effect, protecting the athlete's tissues from excessive damage caused by free radicals produced during increased oxygen consumption. It serves to increase the energy produced by the mitochondria through increased fat oxidation.
172 mg of Threonine L USP:
is one of the amino acids most prone to energy oxidation, hence the interest of a greater intake in athletes. Also, it is part of many structural proteins (which make up tissues, hormones, neurotransmitters, antibodies) including collagen and elastin, and is actually used in sports to prevent muscle and tendon injuries.

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Made In Italy
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Paiements sécurisés

Aminoday Extrême

Aminoday Extrême, à base d'acides aminés et d'acide alpha-lipoïque, offre un apport rapide d'énergie pour optimiser les entraînements intenses. Ses acides aminés à absorption rapide soutiennent la performance, tandis que l'acide alpha-lipoïque combat les radicaux libres générés pendant l'effort et stimule l'entrée des acides aminés et de la créatine dans les cellules musculaires, favorisant l'anabolisme et la récupération musculaire.

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Augmente la résistance à la fatigue

Aminoday est idéal pour retarder la fatigue physique et prévenir l'effondrement musculaire, même sous stress physique intense. Il convient aux sports d'endurance pour augmenter la résistance et aux sports de puissance pour répondre à la demande accrue de force explosive, optimisant ainsi la performance sportive.

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Augmentation de la force et de l'énergie

Aminoday facilite l'entrée des acides aminés et de la créatine, stimulant la synthèse des protéines et de l'ATP, essentielles à la croissance musculaire. L'augmentation du monoxyde d'azote, puissant vasodilatateur, améliore le flux sanguin et l'apport de nutriments aux muscles. Il soutient également la présence d'hormones anaboliques (comme la testostérone et la GH) tout en réduisant les effets des hormones cataboliques comme le cortisol.

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Verkürzung der Erholungszeiten

Aminoday favorise la régénération des fibres musculaires endommagées après un effort intense, tout en protégeant la masse maigre du stress psychophysique. Il neutralise l'acide lactique accumulé pendant l'entraînement et élimine l'ammoniaque, composé nuisible lié à la fatigue et à la diminution de la force musculaire, optimisant ainsi la récupération et la performance musculaire.

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Reduzierung von Verletzungen

Aminoday réduit l'inflammation due à des charges de travail élevées, diminuant la fatigue et la douleur tout en accélérant la récupération musculaire et articulaire. Il permet d'augmenter l'intensité des entraînements et stimule la synthèse de l'élastine et du collagène, protégeant les structures osseuses et articulaires.

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Vivre en bonne santé, vivre mieux, vivre plus longtemps

Life 120 est une entreprise italienne dont la marque représente un mode de vie sain pour toute la famille.

Nous avons créé toute une gamme de compléments qui, associés à une alimentation et à une activité physique appropriées, contribuent à rétablir les habitudes saines que le stress et la vie moderne nous obligent souvent à négliger.

Dosage élevé, qualité, professionnalisme et éthique

Ils constituent la base de toutes les recherches de Life 120, qui travaille quotidiennement sous le contrôle étroit d'experts en la matière.

En tant que propriétaire de la marque, nous choisissons soigneusement ce que nous mettons sur le marché ; nous sommes nous-mêmes nos premiers clients, c'est pourquoi l'ensemble de la gamme de compléments reflète parfaitement notre philosophie de vie.